Our few weeks in Hawaii were made most special due to the kindness and spirit of "Aloha" of a number of people. First is our thanks to Lavanet, the internet provider on Oahu who helped us stay connected. Also on Oahu, in the teeming city of Honolulu, we owe our sanity and many enjoyable nights to the quiet hospitality of Bill Harby. Also, at the Bishop Museum Cassidy met Kumu (teacher) Kealoha Kalama, a Hawaiian culture teacher who helped Cassidy learn about the Hula, and on the following day returned with reams of information on the language. On Kauai, George's friend for nearly 30 years, Sharon McHenry, made each day of our week there one filled with adventure and discovery. In addition, her family, also friends of George's for many years, were a special joy: Wayne and Alice Fix, Mike McHenry (sorry Marty we missed you), and Leanne and her husband and son. On the Big Island of Hawaii we were with our old Alaskan friends, Brad, Annabelle and Heather Lewis who made us feel as if we were in our own homedespite the heat, humidity and jungle world around us. We must also pay special thanks to another ex-Alaskan, Andy Perala, who went far out of his way to give us an inside look into the world's largest telescope and the exciting discoveries that are made high atop Hawaii's highest mountain.
A Big "Mahalo" to All, from the roving gypsy family....
One of George's best friends, Sharon, lived in Hawaii for many years, in this humble cottage on Kuai. We stayed with her and she gave us tours of Paradise and endless laughs and love.