Greek & Egyptian Words

The Greek alphabet doesn't look like ours. Some of the letters are the same as the ones we use in America, but some look entirely different. Below is the Greek alphabet spelled out the way it sounds. You can try to write your name in Greek, like Cassidy, which looks like : kappa, alpha, sigma, upsilon, delta, epsilon. Good luck, and have fun!

álpha; veéta or beta (the "eé" sounds like the "ee" in lee); gháma; dhélta; épsilon; zeéta; éta; theéta; yióta or iota; káppa; lámdha; meé; neé; kseé; ómicron; peé or pi; rhó; seégma or sigma; táf or tau; epsilon or upsilon; feé; kheé; pseé or psi; omégha

Now we'll look at some words that are in Greek:

"thank you" is "efkharisto" (eff-ka-ri-STOW)
"excuse me!" is "sighnomi"! (seeg-NO-meh)
"please" is "parakalo" (pah-rah-ka-LOW)
"good morning " is "kalimera" (kah-lee-MEH-rah)
"good evening (or afternoon)" is "kalispera" (kah-lee-SPARE-ah)
"good night" is "kalinikta" (kah-lee-NEEK-tah)
"come" is "ella" (pronounced AYE- lah) we really like saying ella!
"(it is) very good" is "poli kalo" (PO-lee kah-LO)
"(it is) very nice (or pretty)" is "poli orea" (PO-lee oh-RAY-ah)
We really liked saying this to shop keepers. It usually made them laugh.
"where is. . ." is "pu ine. .." (pooh EEH-nay)
"open" is "aniktos" (ah NEEK toes)
"big" is "meghalos" (meg AH lows)
"small" is "mikros" (MEEK rows)
*"new" is "neos" (NEE ohs)
"old" is "palios" (pay lee OHs)

We weren't in Egypt very long, so we didn't learn very many words. But we did learn some things like:

"shoukran" (showk-RON) is "thank you"
"offwan" (off-WAN) is "you're welcome"
"aiwa" (like the state Iowa) is "yes"
"la" or "la'a" (lah-ah) is "no"
"mumkin" (like pumpkin) is "possible"
"lei" or "lay" is "why"
"ala tour" (ah-lah- TOUR) is "straight ahead"

Egyptian words are usually written in the Arabic alphabet. In ancient times, when Egypt was ruled by the pharaohs, they were written with pictures called hieroglyphs. The "Rosetta Stone," which was found in Egypt near the town of Rosetta about 200 years ago, helped people understand how to read ancient hieroglyphs. It had the same message written in Greek as well as in Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Our word "candy" is a derivation of the old Venetian name for the Cretan city of Iraklion, "Candia." It was from this medieval fortress town that a sweet we now call Turkish Delight was shipped to Europe.

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